How to Reheat Pulled Pork


Pulled pork is one of the most popular dishes in America. It’s typically served on a bun, with coleslaw and several other toppings such as barbecue sauce. Pulled pork can be made from any type of meat – you might even see pulled chicken or pulled lamb at some restaurants!

No matter what you use, if you want to reheat it for later consumption, here are some tips.

Carve the Large Pieces of Meat

When it comes to reheating pulled pork, the first thing that you need to do is carve or cut up any large pieces of meat. The larger chunks will take longer to heat through than your smaller bits and pieces.

You can shred these along with gristle from other parts of the animal using two forks – this will result in a mixture of different textures.

How to Reheat Pulled Pork on a Stove Top

In order to reheat pulled pork on a stove top, you need to make sure your meat is at room temperature before heating up on the stove top. This means taking out of refrigeration and letting sit for an hour or two beforehand if possible.

If it has been frozen, let thaw overnight first before proceeding with these instructions. You also want your pan heated up first – use medium heat, not too high and not too low.

Once you have the pan heated up, add some butter or oil to it (butter is better for flavor since oils can burn) and put your meat in without moving it around at first. Let cook for one minute then flip over to the other side and let that sit on heat another minute before flipping back. This way you get good color on all sides.

You can pour off any liquid that comes out of the meat at this point (it will likely be a lot), and then add in your favorite barbecue sauce or seasoning blend.

You might need to use more than you think since it’s going onto an already-cooked piece of meat – remember that when you’re dousing it in the sauce.

Now you can stir around and let cook for five minutes or so, letting the sauce thicken up on top of your meat (you should see this happen). Once finished cooking, remove from heat and serve immediately.

As long as you follow these steps to reheat pulled pork, all will be well. You can add in as much sauce or flavoring to the meat and it will be wonderful for sandwiches, tacos, nachos – whatever you like. Enjoy your pulled pork reheat!

Tips: If your pan is looking too greasy at any point during this process, use a spoon to pour off some of the extra fat.

How to Reheat Pulled Pork in a Slow Cooker

If you want to cook your pulled pork in a slow cooker, follow these instructions. Preheat your slow cooker on high for 30 minutes. Add the pulled pork – some recipes call for it to be fatty and chopped up into small pieces, while other recipes just call for hoagie rolls with barbecue sauce and coleslaw as toppings.

Add the pulled pork to the bottom of the slow cooker, then add in coleslaw and barbecue sauce (whatever your favorite flavors are!).

Cover the dish with foil or a lid, then turn down the heat to low and let it cook for four hours or more.

How to Reheat Pulled Pork on the Grill

You’ll need to get your grill hot enough before cooking the food so that it doesn’t stick when touched by the tongs or spatula. This will depend on how much time has passed since the last time your grill was used. Usually an hour should do it but make sure there is no gas leaking if you are unsure.

While the grill is heating up, clean it with a wire brush to remove any rust or debris that might be there. When your grill has reached its ideal temperature, turn off one of the burners so only half of the grill is hot while leaving the other side cool for now.

When reheating pulled pork, it’s important not to let the meat get cold in between cooking so that bacteria doesn’t have a chance to grow.

To avoid this, place your pulled pork on the hot side of the grill until nicely browned, then quickly transfer it onto the cool side and cover with aluminum foil or another lid.

It is possible for even heat from the hot side to spread the delicious flavors of your pulled pork without overcooking it. If this is not an option, a second method for reheating pulled pork involves using aluminum foil and placing it directly on the grill grate over low heat until warmed through.

How to Reheat Pulled Pork in the Oven

Place your oven rack on the bottom shelf of your oven. Preheat the oven to 325 degrees Fahrenheit (163 degrees Celsius).

Line a roasting pan with aluminum foil and place your pulled pork inside the pan so that it doesn’t touch any sides or corners during cooking. Place the pan inside of your preheated oven for approximately 15-20 minutes.

How to Reheat Pulled Pork in the Microwave

This method requires the least amount of preparation and clean up, but it’s also not the most flavorful option for reheating your pulled pork.

Place your meat inside a microwavable bowl or plate with two tablespoons of water along with any seasonings you want to add in. Microwave for two minutes on high heat.

Another option is to put your meat in a microwave-safe container, cover it with a paper towel, and heat on 50% power for five minutes.

You will need to stir your pulled pork before microwaving again. Continue this process until the meat is hot all throughout.

How to Reheat Pulled Pork by Boiling

Boiling your pulled pork works well if you have a large pot and plenty of time on your hands. Just add chicken broth or tomato juice for flavor then bring the mixture up to a boil before reducing the temperature to low and letting it simmer until it’s heated through.

Bring the pot up to a boil on high heat for about one minute then reduce the temperature to low and let it simmer until heated through. This will take at least 20 minutes.

How to Reheat Pulled Pork in a Smoker

Smoking pulled pork is one of the most popular ways to prepare it. The process typically takes a few hours, and when you want to reheat it for later consumption, here are some tips.

Make sure your outdoor temperature is around 80 degrees Fahrenheit or higher before cooking in a smoker. If not, don’t worry – just make sure you have some room between the top of your meat and the lid of your smoker so that heat can circulate while smoking.

Cooking pulled pork in a smoker can help infuse it with smoky flavors from the wood chips. It’s best to cook your meat until the internal temperature reaches 165 degrees Fahrenheit (74 degrees Celsius).

Put wood chips in water for at least 1 hour before using them (if they’re too dry they’ll burn).

When you’re ready to eat, preheat the smoker for about 15 minutes and place your meat where it will be exposed to indirect heat.

Remove any aluminum foil that has come into contact with the food (it can contaminate flavors) and place your container of leftover food inside an oven-safe pan or dish.

Evenly distribute your meat on the smoker. Depending on how much you’re reheating, it should take around one hour to be perfect.

How to Reheat Pulled Pork Using a Sous-Vide

For those who don’t know what sous-vide cooking is (French for “under vacuum”), it’s a method where food is put into a sealed plastic bag and then cooked in water that has been heated to the exact temperature needed to achieve the desired effect.

This gives your food more flavor because all of its juices are contained. It also preserves the appearance, texture and nutrients of food better than other cooking methods can – especially for meat.

Sous-vide also ensures that all parts of the food cook evenly, while preventing the outside from overcooking.

Place the pulled pork in a vacuum sealed cooking bag, then place it into your sous-vide machine at 145 degrees Fahrenheit for about an hour or two – this depends on how hot you want to get the meat again.

Once finished, remove from the water and serve with any of your favorite BBQ toppings.

Bobby Johnson

When he's not writing about barbecue, you can find Bobby smoking meat for friends and family. He's been a backyard pitmaster for roughly half his life, and has worked with nearly every cut of meat. Not everyone has a hands-on guide to teach them BBQ, but that's what Bobby hopes to do with Electric Smoker HQ. He wants to help people create amazing food that they can be proud of.